A Crash Course in Secondary Transactions

Everything you wanted to know about these increasingly popular transaction options

Virtual Coffee: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 | 9:00AM - 10:00AM EST

Amanda Ugarte

Managing Director


Christina Bohm


PJT Partners

Host: Juliet Clemens

Fund Strategies Analyst

PitchBook Data

A Crash Course in Secondary Transactions

With multiples and investor confidence down, exits for private equity owned assets are becoming increasingly complex and requiring more creativity to create value for LP’s. One of the key trends we are seeing in response to this is a rise in Secondary Transactions. Specifically: single and multi-asset continuation vehicles, LP direct deals and GP recaps.

Join Exponent Women as we explore these transactions in the private equity M&A landscape. Juliet Clemens (Research Analyst - Funds, Pitchbook) leads Christina Bohm (Principal, PJT Partners) and Amanda Ugarte (Managing Director – Private Capital Advisory, Lazard) through this Exponent Coffee Chat on the different types of Secondary Transactions, how they work, when they are most appropriate, and the key aspects for execution.

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